Options when integrating multiroom audio, TV visuals and HDMI distribution systems.

When completing a wired whole house Multiroom audio system we can simply integrate the local TV or display audio output into the rooms ceiling or wall speakers, so that whatever visuals are on the TV the sound will come out of the speakers in the room,  when the TV isn't in use the speakers are used to play music or radio from a central source - all completed automatically. 

The sounds can also be taken from a central shared source such as a Set top box in the AV cupboard when used as part of a HDMI Matrix set up.

When a HDMI Matrix distribution System is used  the signals from devices such as DVD's , Apple TV's Set top boxes to various displays we integrate each box with the Multiroom audio system so that when the source box is changed the speakers in each room follow the source automatically. 

To find out more  and discuss your project please get in touch 

To find out more please get in touch:  0118 449 2102